Corona sleep? Not with OR.NET e.V.! Some time has passed since our last update. Therefore, we would like to keep you up to date with the newsletter.
The last year ended from the point of view of the association with the presentation at the Medica 2019 in Düsseldorf. There “our” SDC standards could be experienced at different booths, for example at the booths of the association members Steute Technologies GmbH and Schölly GmbH. In addition, there were two booths with more scientific background, the booth of the research project ZiMT led by RWTH Aachen University, mediTEC, and a booth for the research project MoVE represented by ICCAS Leipzig.
At the beginning of the year, we were busy preparing a trade fair appearance at the DMEA in Berlin. For this purpose, we designed a booth with a size of 75 sqm and developed a presentation concept. Unfortunately, the effects of the corona pandemic initially led to a postponement and then to the cancellation of the fair. Fortunately, we dealt with the effects of Corona at a very early stage and did not place any orders with external service providers, so that we as an association now have no costs for this year’s DMEA. We hope that next year Messe Berlin will again offer us the opportunity to equip a free stand and thus put our ideas into practice.
We are currently considering offering some digital services in the form of live online trainings for both members and external participants. If our members are interested in working with and/or expertise in this area, we would be pleased to hear from them. The first videos are already in the works – so you can be curious.
Prior to the Corona situation, regular plugfest events were initiated to ensure better compatibility between the different libraries. Currently we are trying to reactivate this for late summer. In the libraries for which SurgiTAIX is responsible, progress has been made mainly in the area of encryption and compatibility with other implementations, such as the implementations from Dräger.
In addition to the libraries mentioned above for the implementation of the SDC, a further software library is now available. This has been developed by David Gregorczyk for the Java programming language and is available at or The colleagues of Dräger have completed another exciting project with one of their students. The goal was to evaluate to what extent SDC communication can be implemented on microcontrollers like the ESP32. The results can be found at
Martin Kasparick is working on a way to make the already developed components (e.g. from the research project MoVE) available to all members. For the already known development and forensic tool, DPWS-Explorer, a manual is currently being developed to simplify the development of SDC devices for members of the association.
Some members from the industry are currently working on further demonstrators and are looking forward to an active participation. In the coming months there will be a joint meeting of the industry partners to better query the requirements of the industry to the association and to promote common interests.
Finally, we would like to welcome our new partner to the association:
Auriga ( develops software solutions and will be able to support the implementation of SDC interfaces in the future.
With this in mind, we look forward to good cooperation and RUNSDC!
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