- Link between engineering, regulatory affairs and standardization: The working group serves as an intermediary between the different areas of expertise, including engineering (hardware, IT, software), regulatory affairs and standardization. It promotes the exchange of information and collaboration between these areas to enable the smooth integration of medical devices and technologies into clinical practice environments.
- Providing information on practical feasibility and clinical benefits: The working group provides comprehensive information on the practical feasibility of medical devices and technologies in clinical settings. This includes the assessment of product availability as well as the identification of potential clinical benefits and future application scenarios.
- Support in the creation of specifications and requirements catalogs: The working group offers support in the creation of detailed requirements documents, which are often required as part of tenders. It provides experts who can help with the creation of these documents.
- Coordination of reviews and white papers: The working group contributes to the production of reviews and white papers that provide important information on trends, developments and best practices in medical technology and medical software.
- Presentations with a clinical focus: The working group organizes lectures and demonstrations that appeal to a specialist clinical audience (e.g. in clinics or at specialist conferences. Experts are brought in to provide specialist knowledge.
- Coordination of clinical studies: It coordinates clinical studies, often in cooperation with funded projects. These studies contribute to the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of medical products and technologies.
- Placement of experts and clinical end users: It places experts and clinical end users to support providers in the user-centered development of concepts and products. This is often done as part of consulting assignments and publicly funded projects.
- Support in the development of GUI mock-ups and definition of process flows: The working group provides support in the development of graphical user interfaces (GUI mockups) and for the definition of process flows for medical technology and medical software providers. This support is usually provided as part of consulting contracts and publicly funded projects.
Please address any queries on topics relating to this working group or requests for participation directly to the relevant contact person.
Michael Czaplik: mczaplik@ukaachen.de